Sunday, October 2, 2011

No News from Auschwitz

I think the writer had various reasons to why he would title the article as “No News from Auschwitz”. Firstly, I think the Rosenthal has purposely made the title ironic in order to gain attention from readers. The phrase “no new” indicates that they is nothing new or nothing new to report on about Auschwitz. However, the writer decides to write a long article about the place. The second possible implication that the writer might have had was to indicate that Brzezinka still remains to be the horrible place it was in the past. To support his title, Rosenthal describes the place throughout the whole article. He also mentions people’s reaction towards the area. Phrases such as “mass exterminations” and “suffocation dungeons” definitely add to the effect. The writers third implication is to tell the reader beforehand that he is not writing to tell them anything new. The phrase “No News” indicates that there has been some acknowledgment about the area before. Rosenthal’s purpose was to remind his readers about the horrors of Brzezinka and let them know about the people who suffered in the past. The last implication is very minor but I think it is a possibility. The phrase “No News” indirectly signifies that the place is abandoned and quiet, which was exactly the way Brzezinka seemed to be. I the article made me imagine Brzezinka as a lonely abandoned area that people didn’t want to be reminded of.

In my opinion, the article belongs in the “Opinions” section. Whether his article may be fiction or non-fiction, his writing shows the opinions the tourists had of Brzezinka. There is a big possibility that this article was written as a narrative to voice his opinions through the characters introduced in the story. I think his opinion represents the readers’ after they read the article too. He wrote “It all seemed frighteningly wrong,”, which definitely sounds like an opinion, seeing that he word “seemed” was used. It shows uncertainty from the person that is writing the article.

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